O Pedrouzo

The hordes passed by. Mostly people with light packs. Better temperature for the first time this year. I didn’t recognize much on the road. However, remembered one place I saw in 2005 and 2019. It had closed due to the pandemic.

Fairly easy to walk, no big ascents, mostly without asphalt, nice. In the beginning of the afternoon we wondered if it would be thunder, it got very hot. We drank a clara before St Irene, tasted good. Then we went straight to the pension in O Pedrouzo.

When we were done with our laundry, the thunder and rain came. The air became very humid. I don’t think the clothes will be dry tomorrow morning.

We ate a boring menu in the village. Then a glass of wine at the pension and then to bed. Other pilgrims are having parties. Because to morrow is the last day walking I presume. Some Japanese are drunk and can barely stand.

We met again the Spanish woman we met earlyer today. She had lost her friend and was worried. We were surprised of how much Spanish we understood and that we were able to help her.

Tomorrow is the last day. Geez, so many pilgrims.

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About patrick

Name: Patrick Live: in Sweden. Family: married, three grown children.

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