July 7 – to Calvor

I probably walked too fast on the way down to Triacastela. My legs began to hurt me. It was difficult to walk. Instead of staying in Triacastela, I continued to Calvor. Maybe it was a mistake.

There is nothing in Calvor except for the albergue. We are only five people here. It’s comfortable, and all the tourists are gone, but it’s not a pleasant place. There is a notice threatening that the guardia civil will come if you don’t leave the albergue in time in the morning, and the manager was rude.

I had to walk 2 km back to eat. It was a funny place; I never thought I would find somewhere to eat. The only thing you see in the small village is a bar, but there was a great restaurant hidden there. They served the usual “étouffe chrétien,” as Carole says (a meal that gets a Christian to suffocate), but it was well served.


Still early in the morning, Alto de San Roque. Now it’s going down all the way to Santiago.


On the way down from Alto de San Roque, the clouds are rising.

An old and beatiful tree

Wonderful when yo can walk in shadow.

El albergue se cierra a las 8h de la mañana. Se avisa a los que no salgan que pasadas las 9 de la mañana se llama a la guardia civil.
Peregrinos o bandidos?

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About patrick

Name: Patrick Live: in Sweden. Family: married, three grown children.

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